If your life is such a big joke, why should I care?
You have to do it running but you do everything that they ask you to做這些事你必須要勞於奔波,可是你還是任由他們擺佈cause you don’t mind seeing yourself in a picture因為你不再乎看到自己在一張照片裡 as long as you look faraway, as long as you look removed只要你看起來疏離,只要你看起來有隔閡showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters濕淋淋並且容光煥發,用金錢填滿自我showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters濕淋淋並且容光煥發,用金錢填滿自我
You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends你被好友誤導而誤會一個陌生人了when you pass them at night under the silvery, silvery citibank lights當你在夜晚銀白閃耀的花旗銀行燈光下經過他們時arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes glazing under手牽著手並且在底下閃爍著目光oh you wouldn’t want an angel watching over喔你不會想要天使來看顧的surprise, surprise they wouldn’t wannna watch很驚訝很驚訝祂們根本不想看another uninnocent, elegant fall into the unmagnificent lives of adults另一種不純淨,另一種優美墮入了成年人那醜陋單調的世界
Make up something to believe in your heart of hearts編造你內心深處的信念so you have something to wear on your sleeve of sleeves如此你才有東西能夠穿戴在你的袖口上so you swear you just saw a feathery woman因此你發誓你剛看到了一個被羽毛覆蓋的女人carry a blindfolded man through the trees領著一個雙眼遭蒙蔽的男子穿過樹林showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters濕淋淋並且容光煥發,用金錢填滿自我showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters濕淋淋並且容光煥發,用金錢填滿自我